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Our Pursuit 


DOTOMOTO METHODS is for those seeking to learn in a fun and quality way that inspires one's zest for ceativity, quest for knowledge and pursuit of one's passions. We aim to create an ideal for knowledge expansion, while making it fun, embracing excellence and nurturing the human soul.

We Understand Learing Styles



  • Works better with visual objects such as pictures, graphs, charts, and visual

  • representation of material

  • A great perception of aesthetics, with the ability to read people’s body language

  • Great ability to memorize and recall information

  • Great at remembering things that are written down

  • Increased learning ability through watching



  • Retention is gained through hearing and speaking

  • Usually prefers verbal instructions with summarization of main points out loud to

  • help with memorization

  • Often is talented in the art, especially music and tend to have increased focus while

  • music plays in the background




  • Rather use the hands-on approach to learning

  • Usually excels in science and math

  • Prefers demonstrations rather than verbally explanations

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